- I learned about Spot-It from a friend. Fun to play alone.
- Card matching game, where we can find exactly one match per card.
- My first instinct after reading the packet that stated 55 cards and 57 symbols was, there’s no way that’s optimal. Hence the fun 🐰 rabbit-hole and this post.
- Lots of variations of the game, will focus on single player Spot-It.
- This is my attempt to rev. eng. the math behind spot-it without looking at previous work for the sake of fun!
- Note: Combinatorial designs and algaebric geometry are both outside of my typical wheelhouse, I tried to present this as best as I can with my intuition, but there are many posts by mathematicians that you should check out! I will leave a couple at the end.
- Let’s try to define the problem such that we can find good reductions.
- A game where there are $c$ cards, $s$ symbols and exactly 1 matching symbol per pair of cards.
Difference Sets
- This is what’s known as a $(v, k, \lambda)$ combinatorial design or difference set. Where $\lambda=1$ is the number of . $v$ is the number of cards. $k$ is the number of cards containing each symbol.
- A (v, k, A)-configuration is an arrangement of v elements $x_1, x_2, \cdots$ into v sets $S_1, S_2, \cdots$ such that every set contains exactly $\lambda$ elements in common.
- Singer type difference set
for galois
example of construction on GF.
Projective Planes
Perfect difference set: $D\subset \mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$ if every nonzero $a \ in \mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$ can be written unique as $a = d_i - d_j$ for $d_i, d_j \in D$.
These are large Siden set. <- important for number theory if $a+b = c+d$ for $a, b, c, d \in D$ then ${a, b} = {c, d}$.
For D to possible exist need m=n^2+n+1 and #D=n+1. n is the order of $D$.
Any PDS gives rise to a finite projective plane. $D -> $
- Take set of points by taking p = Z / (n^2+n+1)Z.
- and the lines to be the set of translates.
When do they exist? Singer -> pds of all prime power orders exist
Take $q$ prime power -> $\zeta$ generator of $\mathbb{F}_{q^3}$. $D=\{k: \zeta^k =1+a\zeta\}\mod q^2+q+1$ for $a\in \mathbb{F}_q \cup \{0\}$ is a PDS.
Cool things
- P.P. are each others duals. The symmetry of cards and symbol exists.
- Namely: for every pair of symbols there is a unique card and for every 2 card, one symbol.
- This can be noticed from the P.P. <-> Cyclic Difference Set symmetry
- We conjecture that these designs exist for prime powers only, but we don’t have proof. For example, shows an asymptotic proof of the prime power conjecture for PDS, but even for order 12, we don’t know if there is a PDS/P.P.
SAT Solving
SAT problems
SAT, short for satisfiability, describes a set of problems that can be reduced to a boolean expression consisting of ORs and ANDs. For example, every SAT problem can be written as:
\begin{array}{cc} (a_{00} \cup \overline{a_{01}} \cup \cdots) \cap (a_{10} \cup \cdots) \cap \cdots \end{array}
Where $a_{ij}$ is a variable that takes on a boolean value (True or False), where $a_{ij}$ could be defined to be the same as $a_{nm}$. The solution to a SAT problem is to find whether a parameterization exists such that the expression evaluates to true.
$E = (x \cup \overline{y}) \cap (y \cup z)$
The evaluation
{x = True, y = False, z = True}
evaluates $E$ to
therefore $E$ is satisfiable.
These types of problems are $\rm{NP}$-complete when the expression is of length $N$ with clauses of length $O(1)$.
More generally, people are interested in finding (or enumerating) the parameterization(s) that results in a truthy expression.
The Z3 Theorem Prover - z3
Other Generalizations
- If every card has the same number of symbols and every symbol appears on the same number of cards, this would be considered a “Steiner system with parameters v,k,3” or a “3-(v,k,1)-design”